Monday, September 22, 2008

What if Palin were a Man?

I was just an ordinary Dad, Charlie, minding my own business. My family took all my time. My son is going into the military next week — d'you know that? I requested and received a huge official send-off for him.

Yeah, well, Charlie, when I came out my adolescent period, in the town where I went to high school in, Wasilla, I thought, "I could be mayor here." Why not. I've always been good at what I've tried my hand at, from when I was a cheerleader on.

True, I moved around a lot during college — but it was for the experience. And yes, I was never as well known in these parts as my wife, of course — it's her bobsledding and so on career that makes everyone around here excited. My girl! Did I tell you she's part Inuit?

More than anything, Charlie, I'm just a regular fella, a hunter, pro life as heck. And Russia? I can see Russia from my bedroom window. When my girls were young, my buddies called me "Mr. Hockey Mom." Gradually people started saying, "Palin, you should run for office." So I did, and I won, natch. First thing I did in office, I axed the Bridge to Nowhere — then I fired the official cook! Cost too damn much!

[Stab at a Daily Kos diary . . . not sure what they want . . . or if anyone really cares. But it's one line of text, and you have to click on it to care, so, okay then.]

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