Thursday, September 4, 2008

One more on Palin

Let's be honest.  Palin is a master stroke by the GOP and we are deluding ourselves if we echo the line about McCain's "unpredictable" behavior in choosing her.

She is a prime catch, and she will damage the Democrats.  

The GOP taunted Obama that he's popular in part because of "celebrity."  Then, they caught whiff unexpectedly of some truth lying in the nest of deceit, and said, "Hey, wait a minute.  What about if we really use celebrity, like in American Idol?  We might be able to do Obama one better."

They know this is so, because they know the caliber of the voter they are after.  Let's take a look at this statistically:

Say 90% of Hillary voters know enough about themselves and the world not to support McCain-Palin.  That remaining 10% of the pants-suit brigade are too wrapped up in themselves and their worlds to care about much else, and will tell themselves the right stories so as to feel good about voting for an image, a face and a story, rather than a leader with a plan for them.

Every attack on her lack of experience can be refitted as an attack on Obama, and what's left over, as an attack on "hockey moms" all over the country.  That's because there is nothing there, really, to attack.  She's a cipher.

The most brilliant part of the Palin strategy is that it binds the evangelical right to McCain on election day, much, much more closely than if a qualified rightist Christian were chosen: say, a doctor or another mellifluous patrician.  That's because such a VP candidate would offer a target, being a politician who had been angling for national power all his life, and left a record therein.  Because Palin is a nonentity, giving her the VP slot puts the entire evangelical Right in McCain's debt.  They know that they owe nothing to Palin herself, and so, they will express their appreciation and vote, and fight all the harder for Palin rhetorically. 

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