Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin's nannies and friends and husband and daughter

The news that Sarah Palin, Gov. of Alaska (R), will take the VP slot under McCain, has been accompanied by a massive denial that parenting takes time and effort.

Palin is projected as so super capable and smart that she can "juggle" a family and a career.  Somehow she can work 9 to 7 and cook dinner at the mansion for her five children and care for her newborn, but she'll be on-the-job . . . 

As anyone who actually has children knows, someone has to care for the home and kids.  It is not a magic trick.

So either her husband Todd is doing the real work, or her eldest daughter, now pregnant, or other members of the family, or a nanny or nannies, full time or not.

The labor to raise kids must be counted.  It ain't coming from Palin's arms and legs and head and heart during all those hours when the kids are awake and not in school.  It's coming from her wallet, perhaps, but . . . .

Other people are doing the work.  Let's not participate in the classist denial of labor that the media is doing.

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