Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trying to get over the fear . . .

We've seen it again and again, the back of my neck is clammy, the media manipulation, the ever-aggrieved tone, the pre-packaged commentators willing to lie for the GOP, the predictable smears:

As in associating Obama with inappropriate discussions of sex with children, even though he aimed to protect children from inappropriate adults; associate Obama with "attacks" on Palin, with "demeaning" remarks never uttered nor thought, with "sexist" positions because little minds think it is good to accuse those against sexism in the workplace or violence against women that they are the
real sexists . . . most of all, this time, "the real" is the major trope: the real maverick, the real agent of change, the real reformer, the real women's boosters: You can have your white cake and eat it too, they tell you!

Linked to Haley Barbour's attempt to disenfranchise African American voters in Mississippi, and other efforts recently detailed by Andrew Hacker; the idea is to suppress the Obama vote with the old Jim Crow techniques, Whitifying this election!

Don't fall for it please don't fall for the lies

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