Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Frightened. She's a symbol of something I don't want to think about. Representation and American credulity, the spread of a faux-reality, the giant flat screen TVs in poor urban Americans' homes.

Old folks wanting to live out their lives without making any changes at all, obese people, moronic people, fetal alcohol syndrome babies now grown up, hated bosses. Used-to-hunt fellers. Wife-beaters.

America's outward religiousity. Pre-millenarian "belief", how it actually functions in real life.

About wanting things to be a certain way, . . . substituting for making them that way.

That Pacino movie about the computer-generated female actress nobody saw.

Something deeply wrong in the American character.

Something even deeper. Something about huddling on the ground in the soaking rain, praying together, 'cuz it was just sooo important to pray the way one wanted to, — while native American warriors cudgelled one's family to death.

Something wrong.

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