Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lieberman Speaketh

CNN 4:20 PM: "The Democrats alone are not going to solve this problem . . ."

Lieberman is a GOP bell weather for long range chess. Let's listen in on (an imagined) conversation on the corner of 13th and K:

"Senator McCain is known as an aisle crosser and the whole service thing. People buy him putting bipartisanship before winning the presidency. We've said over and over that he puts country before winning the election; my goodness, recently it seems John puts a great many things ahead of winning the election. Folks will have no trouble believing this one. And, as I've said, in actuality, we aren't going to win in November.

"Rick and I think that the best we can do is look good, and hope something breaks our way, and saddle Obama with the mess. Also this contrasts talk, which we are saying is all Obama does, and action, which our pilot has instead of brains. Bush doesn't exist anymore, people are listening to Paulson and Bernanke. So I say, saddle the Democrats with the bailout, the effects of it, the responsibility for it, the whole thing. Make it a Democratic problem and a Democratic solution, starting right now."

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