Monday, July 28, 2008

NBC Brian Williams interviews Ahmadinejad

(Cut and paste it in another window for Chrissakes)

Ahmadinejad says, in the teaser to Brian Williams' interview, "Did Nuclear weapons help Israel prevail in Lebanon? No. Did nuclear weapons prevent the Soviet Union from collapsing? No. For that matter, did nuclear weapons lead the United States to prevail inside Iraq? Or Afghanistan for that matter? No. Nuclear weapons are twentieth century, we are in a new century." (approx. quotation).

1. Israel did not prevail in Lebanon using nuclear weapons because Israel's existence was not threatened by Lebanon. Nuclear weapons are for giving your country impugnity to act more freely, for instance, in Lebanon.

2. Nuclear weapons permitted the Eastern Europeans Russians and others to free themselves of dictatorship without suffering invasion.

3. Nuclear weapons did not facilitate victory in Iraq because the United States invaded Iraq to liberate Iraqis from a dictator, but it is true that nukes could not help Americans bring peace or stability to the country.

Ahmadinejad's message is: nuclear weapons would permit Iran to withstand threats and internal division without being occupied, but would not allow Iran to successfully pacify or dominate its neighbors, so don't worry. Isn't that Ahmadinejad's real meaning?

So basically, "Yes, we want nukes"


Anonymous said...

That's what the trend in interpretation seems to be now what with his "it won't affect our political relationships" line.

Anonymous said...
