Friday, July 4, 2008

Viewing Bill Buckley from the far, far Right

Consipiracy theory "reasoning" lies close to historical reasoning, like a crazy uncle sleeping in the next room. If you hold on tight to any unprovable — i.e. consipiracy — explanation, you find connections . . .

"What all of this means is that in the early 1950s, Buckley and a clique of associates appointed themselves the new conservative leaders—pompously calling themselves “responsible conservatives”— and loudly announced (with enthusiastic media support) that all who dared to advocate old-fashioned America First nationalism or to oppose U.S. meddling in endless wars abroad were no longer even to be considered “conservative” at all.
The “Buckleyites” pronounced themselves boldly internationalist, intent on “winning” the Cold War, even at the expense of a hot war. They had no desire to bring American troops home to protect America. Instead, they were venturing out on a global imperium, and old-style conservative concerns about big government. That socialism (big government) must be the inevitable consequence of military adventurism was pushed aside.
Buckley acknowledged on Jan. 25, 1952 when he wrote in Commonweal, a liberal journal, that he was willing to support what he called “Big Government” for “the duration [of the Cold War]” because—he said—only “a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores” could ensure total victory over the communist menace.
The new conservatism was not new at all. In fact, Buckley’s “contribution” to conservatism was introduction of a host of longtime Trotskyite (Marxist) communists as voices for “modern conservative thought.”
Foremost among them, James Burnham, only 20 years earlier, had been Jewish Bolshevik Leon Trotsky’s “chief spokesman” in American “intellectual” circles. Then, during World War II, Burnham worked for the Zionist- and Trotskyite-infested Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA . . ."

More sludge on;_Bill_Buckley's_Strange_History_Revealed.html, a contributor to David Duke's website . . .

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