Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thank you to Karen Milbourn

Thank you to Karen Milbourne for alerting me to the tradition that “Toka” and “Subiya” (tribes), of the Ngamiland inland delta, told the passing “people of Kololo,” Sebitwane, that the Luyi or Luyana speakers to the north were “a people rich in cattle who inhabited swampy places with many rivers.”  This was apparently bena beluizi or something like it which became “barotse” (without first passing through balozi?): The gist is that “-luizi” meant all that, “a people rich in cattle . . .” etc., which is plausible if taken loosely: for being rich in cattle, in a place of many rivers, was exactly what all rozi - rotse associations aspired to, and “-luizi” may have been a variant therein.

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