Friday, June 5, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

Fascinating to watch him with Hannity.  The latter is sweating, giving a little smile that says, "I am yours," telling Rush he was quoted out of context, boy that's typical, from their last interview, and perhaps Rush meant something more subtle than "I want Obama to fail."  He said so much more given the full context . . . Do you care to comment?  Rush then repeated he wants Obama to fail.  Meaning, he now says, he wants Obama's economic interventions to fail, he wants his supreme court nominee to fail.  He has nothing against Obama "personally."

When Rush says, I love this country, and gives examples of his friendship for the people and their ways, his tone of voice somehow suggests he feels he is doing his country a favor.

When he says, "I have all the answers," he is making fun of himself because he does radio, where you have to talk all the time, as a pundit on crack, because he knows he's Jeff Crest the radio voice guy, and the rest is too good to be true.

A performance, like apparently Lou Dobbs is?  A life as performance?  Is there another guy there too, a quiet and reflective man?  Hardly seems like it.

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