Friday, October 17, 2008

Sick, furious, depressed

From others I respect, this is the way to feel. It is true that the level of malicious stupidity, the horror of empowering people specifically because they hate the educated, the cosmopolitan, the life-affirming, the racist imagery effortlessly called up, the triangulation of black people, "community organizers," '60s riots and bombings, and the inner city . . . Yes they hit hard, yes McCain is dreadful. But the worst to me, personally, the worst of the worst, was when McCain said that returning Iraqi war veterans should be able to go straight into social studies teaching, without having to get certified. No one picked up on this. No one commented on it.

Let alone the idea that the veterans who demonstrated at Hofstra against the war . . .

But the point . . . ah, fuck it. Really, isn't it only too obvious that it is another attack on "book learnin'," on "edu-ka-shun," on being prepared not just by having taken orders and killed people and been scared shitless and perhaps understood something about the world that others never really get, THAT makes you know about history . . .

Think about that.

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