Thursday, November 5, 2009
Major Hassan and Fort Hood
Friday, August 7, 2009
Nazi Techniques: Disruption, the Big Lie
According to Gordon Craig, Martin Brozat, and other historians, the signal technique of S.A. mobs was to prevent free speech. Shouting down people you disagree with is not, in any fashion, free speech: it is the suppression of free speech. Now, how can the opponents of the free exchange of ideas claim to be exercising their rights to speech? Again, we have to look to the Nazis for the answer: the Big Lie.
Adolph Hitler said that most people can spot a white lie, a fib, a small lie that stays close to the truth. This is because they themselves have told such lies, and understand their function. Hitler's insight was that a huge lie, the exact opposite of an obvious truth, works precisely because most people have no familiarity with such a thing, and cannot imagine that it does not contain some truth. Hence putting a Hitler mustache on Obama, or calling him Hitler, or saying "Obama is the racist, Judge Sotomayor is the racist," or calling Nancy Pelosi a Nazi, or claiming that the Obama campaign insignia resembles the Third Reich's emblem, and that this is somehow significant . . . or, a Rush Limbaugh does, disavowing the larger significance (i.e. "of course" this is not deliberate), but nonetheless saying, "Hey, maybe there is something there . . ." This is again because the Big Lie is so capacious, in its reversal of truth valence, that it has room for affiliation even from people who doubt part of it; in other words, people who mistake it for an ordinary lie, one that stays relatively close to the truth.
So to return to the S.A.'s techniques: let the disruptive meeting-goers tell themselves they are exercising their right to speak freely, as they are told to disrupt and undermine meetings, and some of them will believe it, or believe part of it; they cannot conceive that the reality is the precise opposite: they are the opponents of free speech. It becomes important to call the Democratic leadership Nazis, because this helps immunize yourself against the realization that in fact you are behaving like a Nazi, you are engaged in mob rule, intimidation, and anti-political tactics. Rush can contort himself into claiming that President Obama is a Nazi precisely because President Obama is nothing like a Nazi: that fact alone can then be called up as if it were a camouflage, a clever mask, and the accusation is presented as if it were a revelation. Once the animosity and hatred is tapped, people can believe anything -- or at least, believe part of anything; they can excuse themselves and engage in the worst sort of behavior imaginable.
Now there is a lot of talk about Saul Alinsky and "Radicals' techniques" for getting their voices heard. For the record I believe that whether the Left or the Right does it, acting to stop dialogue, to prevent speech, to disrupt people at the podium and upset them, -- this is not something to be associated with. Anyone today can get a megaphone, literally or figuratively. There is no excuse for stopping speech, if only because free speech is a protected right in our own Bill of Rights. I remember when Lefties shouted down Gen. William Westmoreland at Wesleyan University: that was terrible, humiliating. Lefties need to remember how easy it is for the state to suppress speech in public venues before they pretend they are so righteous that the rules don't apply to them.
That said, when corporations fund gatherings of people to oppose the "socialist agenda" of the government, and claim to be adopting the modalities of an organizer interested in techniques for have-nots to get their voices heard, we are again in the territory of the Big Lie. When at meetings scheduled for transparently PR-related purposes, the disenfranchised speak up, or shout to get attention, they are not suppressing free speech, they are attempting to open the forum to new points of view. This is absolutely not the same thing as corporate-funded lobbying groups organizing people to shout down q-and-a sessions with Representatives. The Right always uses the "techniques" of the Left, but the purposes they put them to are very different. Let's not be fooled. The aim here is: More money in the pockets of the haves, fewer benefits and safeguards for the have-nots.
I am afraid we have not seen the worst of it. We know in this country that the Right falls back on mob rule, on lynchings, as Rep. Todd Akin remarked a few days ago. Lynchings are not a joke. They happened at the hands of enraged white men in the lifetime of many people, and they may happen again.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Professor Gates and Officer Crowley and President Obama
Some preliminaries. All police officers "profile." They profile for race, class, gender, and age. And less tangible traits. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming. I'm not supporting it. That is just the way it is.
Moreover -- and this is a separate point -- all witnesses tell police the race of the people they are reporting if they think they can judge it and they think they are seeing a crime. Just as they would any other "distinguishing features." In my own experience, cops ask this question themselves if it is left unsaid. What victim of a real crime, of any background, could seriously suggest leaving out the race of a suspect in talking to the police, if there is any doubt about it (i.e. we are not in Wasilla)?
Now to my five points.
1. Any male who was young once knows that the police can turn on you even if you call 911 for them. Being white and middle class means being able to "grow out" of this position. If the police are called, and you are an eighteen year old in jeans, and you are not ultra courteous, watch out. I was raised on the upper west side of Manhattan, on 96th street. When the cops came, one kept your head down. On the way to growing up, I was mugged or held up at knifepoint fifteen times by my count. The few times I called the cops, they were likely to tell me to "shut up" while they "did their jobs." If you interrupted them you risked becoming the object of their wrath. Telling a cop off? Saying "Your mama"? Forget about it. You're buying a ticket to the station house.
Now, today, I am 46 years old, so I am a white middle class man, not a white kid. And if I am wearing a suit and tie, and upset about something, and talking to a cop -- this has happened two or three times in my life -- nowadays, the cop is likely to be indulgent and calm. But I still recall the other tone of voice, which meant, if you do not calm down, I can haul your assoff in a heartbeat. Once an officer said as much, to me, as I was relating why the police needed to intervene in an ongoing child abuse situation next door to me in Brooklyn. "YOU calm down." I am sure others have similar memories.
So here is my first point. Being black in America, as far as policemen are concerned, means never being able to graduate to that status that white people all assume. Professor Gates is a black man in America and was treated like a black man in America, not like a 58 year old white man, and not (for sure) like a Harvard professor.
2. Now let's do a thought experiment. Let's pretend Officer Crowley had asked Professor Gates to come out of his house, and Gates had refused, and Officer Crowley, observing Professor Gates' bags, his demeanor, his apparent familiarity with the house, his attitude, his explanation that he had been pushing at his door, -- had divined that this was indeed the professor's home, and simply left. He might have reasoned: "Well, this is his home. It's that simple."
Now suppose that the two black men reported to have been pushing into the home had in fact been robbers who had just happened to arrive before Professor Gates got back from the airport. Suppose they had jammed the door. Suppose they were inside the house, upstairs, caught unawares by the arrival of Gates and Crowley at the front door.
Suppose after Crowley left, they had jumped Professor Gates and killed him.
What would Officer Crowley been able to say in his defense?
Proper protocol in similar cases is for the officer to inspect the house to make sure no one had broken in.
Would Officer Crowley have been able to say, "Professor Gates is black, and the reported intruders were black, so it was natural to assume they were the same people"? No. Would he have been able to say, "Professor Gates is an important man, and made a lot of noise, so I thought it best to leave"? No.
4. Suppose Professor Gates were white, and had (against probability) been reported by a witness as a possible b&e at a residence. Suppose he had lost his temper and refused to obey the cop. Suppose he had mentioned the cop's mother.
Should the officer smile and put away his cuffs, stroll back to his squad car, and say, "Well, he's white, so he's probably okay?"
5. Finally the human dimension must be considered here. Professor Gates is a man of whom much is expected, on a daily and even hourly basis. He lives in that peculiar high-pressure world reserved for very prominent academics of color. His every move is scrutinized. He was just returning from a work-related journey in a foreign country. He was tired. Professor Gates was not surrounded by aids or family, but was traveling alone. He had no helper save his cab driver. Now for the first time in a long while he was inside his home, his castle, protected by the sanctity of privacy.
Let's go a bit further. Note that Professor Gates has had hip replacement surgery, and walks with a cane. He had just spend twelve or fourteen hours on an airplane -- coming back from China -- and had then waited for his baggage. He may well have been insomniac and uncomfortable on the plane. He may even have been in physical pain. Hell, I have been in pain after a similar a flight from Africa.
Please imagine being him for a moment. Imagine coming up to your door and finding you could not get the key to work, the frame had swollen, the thing would not open. You can't get in. You ache. Finally, you get inside your house.
Now imagine that a police officer comes to your door and demands you step outside, acting like you are an intruder in your own home.
Imagine that he does not accept your Harvard ID, that he demands you speak to him respectfully, that he demands further identification, that he takes out a pair of handcuffs. He's not treating you like a middle aged white man, he's treating you like a youth; he's not treating you like a black Harvard professor, he's treating you like . . .
like a black man is in fact so often treated in America.
Monday, June 29, 2009
We live in a paradox
Actually I am reading books. I am still reading Against the Day, the monumental and awesome Thomas Pynchon book, which I had to put away after a while when I realized the Chums of Chance and the retreat into altered history and the buzzing Lovecraftian beings without pathos were not all going to be explained, but were parallel threads overleaving themselves with each other. I do understand what the novel is up to, finally, (p. 657 or so). The doubling that time is weirdly involved with: the alternative realities in all of us, the reversals of contemporary virtualities by repositioning them in history differently.
And Van Dieman's Land, by James Boyce. A little bit. But mostly it's -- let's go to the INTERNET! EBSCO, JSTOR, etc. etc.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Who can keep up?
By Friedrich Rudolf Baudert, Timothy J. Keegan
Published by Van Riebeeck Society, The, 2004
ISBN 0958452229, 9780958452229
Colin Rae's Malaboch: The Power of the Book in the (Mis)Representation of Kgalui Sekete Mmalebh
Author: LIZ KRIEL a
Affiliation: a University of Pretoria,
DOI: 10.1080/02582470208671417
Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year
Published in: South African Historical Journal, Volume 46, Issue 1 May 2002 , pages 25 - 41
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wittgenstein is remarking on this passage in Frazer’s Golden Bough:
Acknowledging that perhaps some of Ellenberger’s and Breutz’s
In the winter,
Thank you to Karen Milbourn
The “dynasties” and “titles” among Rozvi-connected chiefs in David Beach’s reconstructions of Shona political history,
and the new “peoples” or “the earliest tribes” (the Bahurutshe, Barolong, etc.) in South Africanist anthropology, are in this reading part of a single, larger phenomenon, with different levels of wealth and stability.
And Christianity
only grew with acolytes decades later, when deploying the same vocabulary on behalf of genuine leaders became absurd or criminal.
Later, with the growth of amakholwa Christian communities south
the Thugela River, “Natal Kaffirs” of Fingo (mfengu: refugee) background, Zulu came to have a broader meaning still, and led by teachers, clerks, and venders, it became a subnationality, with vital connections to the house of Cetshwayo, yet subject to the stresses of urban and rural divisions and gender conflicts. Such struggles over the speakings of “zulu” redefined the word further, and by the late 1910s it had become an ethnicity, independent of any royalist connection, as royalist Zulus tossing sand in graves with their spears might nonetheless be Christians in good standing.
Robert Moffat, Apprenticeship at Kuruman: Being the Journals and Letters of Robert and Mary Moffat, 1820-1828 (ed. Isaac Schapera)(London: Harrow, 1951).
Thomas Arbousset, Voyaqe d’exploration aux Montagnes Bleues (Paris: Societe des Missions Evangeliques, 1933), 90; Robert Moffat, Missionary Labours and Scenes in South Africa, 261.
We are in a blur in the middle of the imperial century,
the nineteenth century, observing it as if from a moving train.
In South Africa “ancestor” did not indicate a “kind”
of “supreme being” (as in the strongest god of a pantheon, or a “remote God”); nor a projection of a principle (light, air, fire), a first ancestor, or any supreme personhood at all to great heights or potency as a controlling figure, power, or central symbol. There is a little evidence counter to my hypothesis here, notably Lichtenstein’s early (Foundations, 1807) understanding of modimo as a remote and distant deity; and Chidester, Savage Systems, 182. But the term did not mean the creator of the elements, earth and the heavens.
Records show
Friday, June 5, 2009
Rush Limbaugh
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Rush tells Sean Hannity . . .
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Rush calls Obama "racist"
We're With You, Pakistan
Thursday, May 21, 2009
New York Times lead story / internet headline: 11:57 am, 5/21/09
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Proposed Courses at the University of Maryland
Saturday, May 16, 2009
MSNBC on "The Family": the Sexualization of Christ
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Flight 3407 over Buffalo
had a guy that worked in there. had an odd accent to begin with. and uh
College Station Airport is uh owned and operated by the university-- uh
the Texas A and M university.
you know we had a a controller down in Houston. uh he was known as
Mister Happy.
oh yeah.
guy was just he was-- had a perfect personality for the being a controller.
he never let anything rattle him. and he just all just all bubbly type a type a
guy. he retired-- just to let you know how he-- how well respected he
was um he retired and he had they published where his retirement party
was. there was pilots from Continental Colgan pilots Chautauqua
Expressjet you know the main carriers there in Houston.
oh that's cool.
they all went to go see you know Mister Happy and everything but but
that's where I got the bent wing pencil jet.
it's where what?
that's where I got the bent wing pencil jet uh name from.
I was interested to find on line a commendation for Axe from Houston, who talked like that: "Bent-Wing Pencil Jets" for XRs. I wonder who left this note, who ERfly is?
it's-- it's like moms SUV or minivan. you know the soccer van uh you
don't have to fly with your hands and your feet. you just fly with your
once you-- once you flip the auto-- uh the yaw damp on and autopilot on
it's solid as a rock.
works the rudders for you.
yeah it works rudders for you. it's all coordinated.
TIME and TIME . . .
and then earlier, also:
you know home with your husband to to take care of all that kind of stuff.
TIME and TIME and
CVR Factual Report
Page 12-34
exactly yeah it's just gonna depend where we're at when that happens.
but I-- I mean I'm not-- I'm not in such a hurry to upgrade. I've got very
very very good connections at Alaska.
oh cool.
Alaska's the only major I'd want to go to.
just because I don't want to commute my whole um once I do
upgrade you know once once Alaska starts hiring I don't-- I mean I don't
necessarily have to have a thousand hours PIC. I need to have some PIC.
So: WHO wants to transfer to Alaska, a cold-weather region? And what led to the co-pilot being on the flight? What was all that talk about? Is it normal to screw up like this? Of course, one might say, what do I expect: "Executing proper maneuvers at the proper moment, but the technology appears to be failing." Best not to judge before getting all the facts. But aren't these the questions reporters should be asking?
OKAY, toward the end . . . we all know it got bad, but that's also on FOX NEWS. Sorry, I'm not a ghoul, there's no link.
Longtime readers (I think there are four of you) will know that I do not like to use the actual words and people in the news, but to write in a lax and undeniably annoying way using the wrong words so as not to be searched. Then I tried putting Ben Stein in a heading, and no one clicked up my counter (well, twenty people or so). Thus I learn I am writing a pebble stumbled upon once in a while like a wrong number. A private bulletin board . . .
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Taylor and the Future of University Education
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Have you noticed time getting away from you?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Rozi ness
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Re Michelle Marsh NPR Interview re Cuba and Race
Eye on the NBC Olympics' Coverage -- Part I -- Cubans are Again Revealed to be Black People
It is so fortunate that we get to call call them "Cubans," since, "some black people descended from the field slaves in sugar esates" is not as nice. And wouldn't it seem odder than even it does now, were we to rename them thus, when their Olympic teams come and kick our a** ?
Monday, April 13, 2009
On Board the Banville with the Barbary Pirate 1609/2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Yes, investigate
My state of mind
Nelson Mandela is still alive because . . .
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Writing about Van Onselen's The Fox and the Flies for the South African Historical Journal
Monday, April 6, 2009
Win Ben Stein
Oh, you, bearded man on the Glenn Beck program
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Planet of the Apes Conundrum
Then the end of the film reveals that we are on earth after all, the whole time, and that our framing was wrong. No allegory, this was a science fiction movie after all! This causes vertigo.
Now you see racism is revealed as such: he hated apes even though he had no idea where he was. Even though, of course we knew, we sort of knew the whole time.
The context-independent hate is prejudice, racism. The same problems that were destructive of America in the 1960s destroyed her for good-- we were fooled by the Black astronaut's scientific curiosity, so out of stereotype's range, we felt we were in a post racial world -- the forces that drowned Liberty, are in Taylor wherever he goes.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Kenya meltdown
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Teaching and Lecturing at a State University
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Most heinously Evil ad in the world
Stupidest ad in the universe (and above, Evilest ad in the unviverse)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Book contract for Popular Politics in the History of South Africa, 1400 - 1948
Monday, March 16, 2009
AIG reveals deep cracks in what Americans believe they will take
Friday, March 13, 2009
Ten years north of the Orange River
Exchange pleasantries with Fowad.
Goggles spit on and affixed.
Into the cool blue water. I swim easily, falsely, the Australian crawl because I am not out of breath yet. It is a 90 lengths to a mile pool. I swim the first lap in good form, breathing once on every third stroke on alternate sides. My kick is lousy, mainly to elevate my feet. It's a poor expenditure-of-oxygen-to-velocity part of my stroke, so I economize. Not unrelatedly, when I am rounding my fourth length, lap number two, I am already looking forward to the transition at the end of length five. Because in fact I am fucking out of breath and pushing it just to maintain a brisk form and not start waving at the water and rocking from side to side like a little boat bath toy.
My switch over is to the breast stroke. I can do the breast stroke forever, certainly for a mile (though it would take me almost an hour). I breast stroke happily back to Fowad, sitting on a plastic chair reading a tabloid. I go back to the crawl from the wall to the shallow end. It is not only that I am at this point most comfortable moving from breast stroke to crawl every 25 meters (or whatever the pool is). The fact is, I am better swimming the crawl well toward the shallow end, where the upward slant of the floor tiles give the impression of greater and greater speed. This makes the finish very easy. In contrast, swimming the crawl while almost out of breath moving toward Fowad and the deep end, is to see the tiles move more and more slowly under one's gaze, and feel like a flounder with its eye migrating around so it can stop wallowing and lay still.
After a while I start enjoying it, or almost. About lap fifteen or seventeen, when it is clear that I am going to cover my half mile in a twenty or so minute period. Then I start fantasizing about 27 laps, the 1 KM mark. Most often if I have time to do more than forty lengths (which I call half a mile) I will do fifty, not fifty four. I have not yet swum a mile at the JCC pool.
I make a great show of the last lap and swim the crawl without breathing for the last eight strong strokes, and hop out without using the ladder. I get my towel and 750 dollar glasses. Fowad says, "So how is it Paul. How's he doing?" Who, I sometimes ask. "Obama." Okay, I say. He's got a tough job. We discuss Madoff. I point out absurdly that he took advantage of other Jews, even imitating a Jewish matron I heard complaining on the radio. Fowad shows me Bernie Madoff's black and white profile, his hook nose. "You see." Yes, I say. Look at my profile: and I am only half Jewish. We share a laugh, me and the Moroccan lifeguard at the Jewish Community Center, who knows that Obama is a Muslim and once you are a Muslim you can never turn back, and so has his doubts. But he kind of likes Obama. He's not "doing so bad."
I get into the steam room. It takes about twenty minutes to heat up, and it shuts down if not fiddled with every fifteen minutes. I.e. it's a Jewish steam room. Today I got lucky and the temperature was at 115, a once in a month occurrence. I sat and steamed and read the Washington Post best I could, the print from the reverse side showing through in the wet.
I know all the men in the locker room at this point by sight. I remember about half their names. I used to swim later by a half hour, and there was Paul the financial guy and his wife, who swam together. There's Mike who wears flippers and backstrokes just about a stroke behind my speed. There's a woman who really swims, a fast half hour on the right (1.5 M. shorter) lane. Bye bye. There's a big guy who sticks to the crawl the whole way whom I lap every ten or so.
In the locker room there's a few guys who work out and change about that time. An older financial guy who teaches for a pittance in his retirement. It is much better to exchange views with such people when your penis and overflowing belly are visible. That way, there is only the pretense and farce that can be mustered out of nothing in the conversation, no bullshit stemming from a suit or hidden nipples and so on.
I love old Jews, and loved changing in the locker room in the YMHA on 92nd street years ago with the old handball players. Those guys are all dead now. They would be in their 100s. But I was scared of them then. You saw a couple of tatooed numbers, not many. Mainly thin guys with tits. I remember one man with a hanging weeping willow bonzai hanging between his legs under his hunched over form. Yiddish uptown accents, all gone now. These were the men who you felt you should know, but you did not know, they were foreign. They were New York.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
President Obama Pardons Bernie Madoff
"We can't choose our partners in this time of crisis"
. . . etc. "Unfortunately some of the very same people who got us into this mess are going to have to help get us out. If that means elevating Bernie Madoff to a central oversight position . . ."
Monday, March 9, 2009
Rant about February
First let me bitch about my class. Let's call 'em as we see 'em. I have offered two intersecting lectures in which I situate Frederick Lugard, the author of Dual Mandate in Tropical Africa, and no, don't let me know if I've misquoted the title, I'm writing purely off the cuff here, and the introduction of Indirect Rule, capitalized, as a concept, follows from this. Lugard accompanied a "Company" militia into Buganda to "stabilize" a complex situation involving Muslims and Christians and a Kingship. Later on, he ruled as governor over the Sokoto Caliphate established by Usuman ("Fulani Jihad" etc.), which had produced the "Hausa-Fulani" aristocracy.
Through Lugard's experiences we look at what Lugard says and does theoretically, i.e. first, "rule through emirs," second, his understanding of naturally-entitled races, and third, the ahistorical and anti-hierarchical idea of ethnicity. (It derived from the necessity of naturalizing the rule of chiefs, creating natural domains of uncontested underlings locked into place. See Martin Chanock.) One effect: permitting and tolerating the perpetuation of slavery in N. Nigeria (Sokoto Caliphate etc.)
So on the exam, after having delivered these lectures, which included another lecture devoted to the history of the Great Lakes kingdoms up to the end of the nineteenth century, including Buganda/Uganda, and after having projected these words on the screen in the dark in giant POWER POINT LETTERS,
I gave an exam with the following question or something like it, amid other "short answers," viz., Frederick Lugard author of Indirect Rule went from a stint militarily in B________ or U__________ (4 letters.)
That's right. I made a mistake: GANDA is five letters. Anyway, here's the end of my little complaint for February re this question on the midterm exam in a class in which every single reading is a computer click away from appearing on their screens.
Not a single student in the sitting class of 75 raised their hand to say, "Professor Landau, I noticed that the answer to the question seems to be five letters, not four."
Not a single person. Not one person in the class both a. knew this enough to do so, and / or b. got this right, and c. were willing to point it out to me in either case.
Only twenty more years of teaching to go.
All right, about this month. Look, there is nothing nice about sliding down into a smaller, more "realistic" economy. The GOP keeps saying Obama will make us into France or Sweden, but that's a BEST CASE SCENARIO. Why can't we see that in the end, Americans are going to have to be driving small, light-weight, perhaps inflatable electric and gas/electric vehicles, if not now, then in the next ten twenty years? With portable engines but top speeds of fifty miles per hour and slow acceleration?
Okay, enough about my love for my car. But the sinking ship that is the economic boom subsiding . . . the money that inflated the market until '99, then went into real estate; the tail end of those buyers were those who couldn't afford to pay off their mortgages unless their properties continued to accelerate to higher and higher values.
Next up is my landlord parking-space rear neighbors, who own three or four parking spaces on this side of the alley. They did not like my telephoning five times over two weeks checking up on why the promised cleaning crew had not come, the crew that they'd called after I reported that another homeless person's SHIT with TOILET PAPER had not been cleaned up in the parking lot DIRECTLY BEHIND my house. Well, the response of this neighborly company, Potomac Development Corporation, has been to send me a Boist diagram of our and the surrounding properties in the block, showing that they own the property up to the very rear of our easement rear yard / deck, and so, they can put up hedges or even a WALL if I persist in . . .
Swinging my gate out over their property, it appears.
In other words, they want no access, or at least alley-access, to my property from the rear. At the least, they've cancelled my ability to enter my own property from their -- "their" -- parking space properties. If they choose they could shut me in further even as an emergency egress. At the very least, the message is: Lay off, and change your f * ing gate. Thank you. I'm glad I called you on your missing cleaning crew not cleaning up the homeless persons' faeces, and that you allow me usually to deal with the cast-aside used condoms, to report the rats caught in the waste bin in the rain, to report the sofa and construction off-scouring left in the alley off "their" parking spaces. My reward: "You can't have free access in the alley anymore."
Because they can. Just like companies can dump thousands of employees and then say they are "investing in their people."
The rear opening onto the alley predates their purchase of those easements (if a landlord friend is right) or property, because it goes back at least fifty years. I remember the rundown but nonethless discernible shape of the rear yards before my neighbor's property was sold, and my neighbor grew up there. The rear yards opened up at their backs onto the alley from her childhood. That was the understanding we had of the property when we bought it, and it remains mine now.
Anyway let me end now after two I am sure irritating premature PUBLISH POSTS. Today I introduced the third point I take away from Lugard: his understanding that successful rulers in Africa as elsewhere in the world had to take something away from their citizens. They had to tax them.
If they did not take regularly and predictably from their citizens, their citizens would have no stake in the direction of the state. They would resist further attempts to tie them therein. One whole part of the Dual Mandate was to mentor native peoples (races), so they might develop their better sons into small aristocracies leading the way forward for their tribes and peoples . . . and ultimately those men demanded to control the state, Nasser's and Nkrumah's and P'Bitek's and Armah's and Dangor's and Achebe's generation. Indirect Rule contained the seeds of its own destruction.
One key element of these four (yes, 4) Lugardian postulates, was the squashing of hierarchies in fact relied upon, into pancakes of ethnic groups.